Jumat, 30 September 2011

water fall kedung kowong

This waterfall is located in the suco village. This waterfall flows from the LATENG rivers that divide and limit  between village and rural hamlet pasrujambe Krajan. scenery is great because the garden surrounded by bamboo. very easy to reach by foot only.

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

tanam padi tradisional

agricultural activities with a natural way

This is done to foster a sense of love for the traditions and culture from generation to generation. This is also tocreate a product that no chemical materials. As we known that chemicals are very damaging our organs .Below,we present the traditional pattern of planting rice that has not found much anymore.   

till the soil with cow or buffalo
planting rice seedlings
the care and supervision
ready for harvest

                   harvesting, wou time to action